Random Thoughts and a Beach in Austrailia

Posted by: Tue, Oct 21, 2008
Posted in category Uncategorized

BeachWow I have been gone for so long…..seems that way. Life is not any better around here. Yeah, gas prices let up, but groceries haven’t. The election is getting closer and I am surprised that the phone has not been ringing off the hook like in previous years. News is….the candidates have given up Michigan. I think we are a lost cause anyway…crime is terrible, no jobs, no money, and the cost of living will make you sick. Wish I was on a beach in Australia having a cold margarita with my hubby. We can dream can’t we?

The year has almost gone…Holidays are approaching fast and we won’t talk about that stress. Where did the time go, seems it was just spring a few months ago. Now, it’s plastic on the windows, weather stripping in the doors and pull out the heavy blankets. Word is our natural gas bill will rise about 20% this winter…sure we can afford that.

We found out that we are going to be grandparents, which should be good news since it is our first grandchild. Well, all I can say is I’m happy, but I wish the father was a responsible one. Our daughter is living at home with us and they have “broken” up and he is a piece of shit. As much as I was looking forward to having a life of my own, I now know we will be raising our grandbaby.

Things that are going on across our country, scare me. I read the news daily and it is all horrible…recession fears, killings and kidnappings.

My heart cries for the time when I was truly happy with life, with the world, just plain happy. It’s hard to put a smile on my face these days. I worry when my kids are two seconds late, I worry about the gas price because my husband commutes, I worry about going to the grocery store….It just keeps going.

I want my son back, I want my life back, I want…..

That beach in Australia …yeah the sunshine with no worries!

3 Responses to “Random Thoughts and a Beach in Austrailia”

  1. Kelly says:

    Oct. 21, 2008

    First off, I want to welcome ya back. I was beginning to think you quit the blog biz. The dream about being on the beach with your significant other with a margarita in hand sounds perfect. Of course, who has the money to take a trip like that these days? Hell, I’d be happy to take a small trip to Myrtle Beach or somewhere on the coast of Florida. Oh well.

    On a positive note, Congrats on being grandparents. I don’t have kids myself but I do have four neices altogether. They’re fun to have around for awhile…. and then ya hand ’em back when they get cranky or crazy. Heh heh. 🙂

  2. Chad & Stacey says:

    Oct. 22, 2008

    Hi Kelly,

    I sure do miss blogging, Boiled Over and all the great people I have met including you! At this point I have to work and I have been lucky enough to find work at home freelancing. That doesn’t leave me much time to blog.

    Thanks for the congrats…we are looking forward to something positive this year in January.

  3. Karen says:

    Nov. 11, 2008

    Now we live in such a state that only hope and dreams for the better can help us. Let’s hope that everything will change.