An Enormous Thank You

Posted by: Tue, Feb 19, 2008
Posted in category Uncategorized

Bird on a wireToday we are not going to “Boil Over” , just the opposite a huge smile came upon our face last night as we checked our email. A wonderful blogger named Deb has started a great project at Bird on a Wire called Remarkable Bloggers. Much to our surprise Deb picked our site as the first in a weekly series called Remarkable Bloggers! Bird on a Wire will be picking a new Blog to feature every Monday. Deb also does extraordinary charity work for Alzheimer’s at 1 Million Memories. Thank You Deb, you are truly amazing.

Our next Big Thank You goes to Brian at BlogEngage. BlogEnage is a social bookmarking website used by bloggers to promote their blogs. Brian has really helped put our name out there and he is always posting encouraging comments. We place all of our articles there and have been getting amazing results. If you own a blog meet us over at BlogEngage and make new friends while promoting your site. By the way Brian also has a blog called iknownil maybe you have been featured here.Blog Engage

A special mention to Bloggeries an outstanding blog directory site which has a very friendly forum. The Bloggeries Forum is where we first started promoting our blog and in the first few weeks their kind words kept us going on this project.

Everyone who was added to our blog roll has had an impact on us and our blog. They deserve a Thank You also…..

We can not forget to thank all of our dedicated readers, and authors, without you this would not be as rewarding. We look forward to continuing Boiled Over and watching it grow.

P.S. Don’t forget to join us and write your own stories of frustration. It helps soothe the anger to know there are other people out there that feel the same way.

10 Responses to “An Enormous Thank You”

  1. Abhinav Sood says:

    Feb. 19, 2008

    Great to see a differently themed post at Boiled Over. Thanks for mentioning and linking to Inspirit. Glad to know that my blog makes such positive impact on you or your blog that you honor me by adding Inspirit to your blogroll.

    Wish You a Great Day,

  2. Chad & Stacey says:

    Feb. 19, 2008

    I believe you impact many bloggers at Inspirit, and hopefully many more to come.

  3. SouthernbytheGraceofGod says:

    Feb. 19, 2008

    Chad and Stacy,
    Thanks so much for your kind comments! Keep being Remarkable Bloggers ©

  4. AngryJed says:

    Feb. 19, 2008

    right back at you guys! best of luck in ’08.

  5. Chad & Stacey says:

    Feb. 19, 2008

    We couldn’t have got this far without all of you!

  6. K Owusu says:

    Feb. 20, 2008

    Keep up the great blogging.

  7. blogengage says:

    Feb. 20, 2008

    Thanks for the kind words! you are good people and I like good people!

    Cheers 🙂

  8. A Very Different Day at Boiled Over | Inspirit Blog says:

    Feb. 20, 2008

    […] But the day before yesterday was a very different day at Boiled Over. Chad & Stacey published an Enormous Thank You in which they flash a huge smile instead of what they generally do at their blog, that is, Boiling […]

  9. Kelly says:

    Feb. 21, 2008

    Thank you for including my website. I’ve always enjoyed your rants, Chad and Stacey. So much truth in what you guys have to say. Keep up the GREAT work. Stop by sometime. Got some new posts up and other goodies. Heh heh.

  10. A Very Different Day at Boiled Over | Inspirit Blog says:

    May. 30, 2012

    […] and rumbles. But yesterday was a very different day at Boiled Over. Chad & Stacey published an Enormous Thank You in which they flash a huge smile instead of what they generally do at their blog, that is, Boiling […]