About Us

We started this project to release the stress and anger of everyday life. It became unbearable after our son was hit and killed on his way to school in the winter of 2006. Our family has a lot of frustration over the way things were handle with our sons death and also the simple fact of losing him. This is a way for us to release our anger and have our voice heard. We encourage anyone who has something to get off their mind to say it here. Every opinion counts, no feelings are wrong, we may not all agree, but we must all live in the same world together

Our Voice Was Heard

us When our children started school in the fall of 2005, the school buildings were switched and no provisions were taken to ensure their safety getting to these new buildings. It was the first time our children had to walk to school and we had lived on the same block for 8 years. As a result of this and the refusal to remove snow from the sidewalks, even with a Township Ordinance, our son was hit and killed by a SUV in the middle of January 2006. We immediately blamed the snowy sidewalks and no crosswalks across the five lane highway. Our side of the highway did not have sidewalks, we placed a cross at the site of the accident were a sidewalk should have been. No one wanted to hear us, not the Superintendent of Schools, Township we live in or The County Road Commission. Our son was blamed for the accident. We continued our efforts in trying to get a safer way for the children to get to school. The Police, the Lawyers, The Insurance Company no one wanted to hear what we had to say, it was automatically his fault. All we received from them was an apology, but no effort to make a difference or accept any responsibility for what happened. There are many sides to this story this is only one. We decided to call the local newspaper in the winter of 2007 to complain again about the snowy sidewalk, the only sidewalk up the five lane highway. They placed a large article in the paper about the Townships unwillingness to cooperate. Sidewalks were placed on our side of the highway this summer, right next to the cross we have placed for our son. Our voice was heard, but the question is with winter approaching will the sidewalks get shoveled?

Feel Free to Contact us through our email boiledover@charter.net

7 Responses to “About Us”

  1. K says:

    Jan. 13, 2008


    This is a great blog you have here. Have read a few articles, and will definitely be putting you on my blogrole. Really sorry to hear about your loss.

    God Bless


  2. Chad & Stacey says:

    Jan. 14, 2008

    Thank you K I have also added you to our blogroll. Everyone should check out The K Experience.

  3. Dru says:

    Jan. 23, 2008

    This is a great blog and one I return to often. I am sorry about your loss and you and your family are in my prayers. I have seen a lot of death around my life but nothing affected me more than when my friends 7 year old was backed over by an SUV. Seeing someone so young lose their life is horrible, what makes it worse is when it was someones carelessness that is the cause.
    I wish there was something I could do for you.


  4. Chad & Stacey says:

    Jan. 29, 2008

    Thank you Dru, knowing that people out there still care about what happens in other peoples’ lives is enough for us. Let your friends know that there are oher people out there that know what thier going through, and our hearts are with them. By the way we enjoy reading your blog too and we have added you to our blogroll!

  5. Jake Cohen says:

    Feb. 22, 2008

    As I stated over at DP, I truly am sorry about your loss. Being a fourteen year old myself online makes the realism in it even worse. To think that this could happen to me one day really opens my eyes.

    I really like your blog, and thanks for putting me on the Blogroll. It hasn’t been affective yet but I’m sure that it will be an investment as your blog grows larger. Maybe you could put the Blogroll in a more visible area, just a suggestion.

    Anyways great blog, I look forward to reading more.


  6. Shanna says:

    Feb. 19, 2009

    Love you guys and miss the family!!


  7. NH DWI Attorney says:

    Oct. 25, 2011

    I was amazed at the number of topics you cover, the fact that you write about the injustices of the world makes for a very compelling website.

    I wish you the best of luck in the future.

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