Author Archive
A Botched Investigation and Unanswered Questions
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 6:48 3 CommentsIt has been two years to the day that our son was hit and killed by (in our opinion) an at fault driver. This post is about how three different police departments botched up the investigation. Dustin was considered at fault before the departments even started investigating. The final disposition contradicts the witnesses’ statements including […]
Angry At Life
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 9:37 6 CommentsI remember a time when I was truly happy, never an angry person, I would get upset about things, but always was able to brush them off. Patient with everything, taking life with a grain of salt, I always looked to the best of a bad situation. Then that “day” happened, the day where LIFE […]
Union Brotherhood In A Lazy Generation
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 17:26 Comments Off on Union Brotherhood In A Lazy GenerationI am not one to knock my union brothers, but there comes a point where you just say give me a break. I am boiling right now because these “union brothers” have done enough to make me explode and today just puts the icing on the cake. Let me give you a little background on […]
Michigan Residents Left In The Dust
Wednesday, January 16, 2008 9:14 Comments Off on Michigan Residents Left In The DustThe Democrats have left Michigan behind in this presidential election. Yeah so, our crazy governor decided that if she upped the primary to January 15th that it would bring Michigan’s woes to the forefront of the election. WRONG! The fact that she “broke” the rules by holding the primary before Febuary 5th Obama, Edwards, Richardson, and Biden […]
The Dead Beat Boyfriend
Friday, January 11, 2008 16:50 43 CommentsOK so the dead beat parents post by apaquette was a big success, so I thought I would continue with a rant about a dead beat boyfriend. This guy really pisses us off! He is lazy, jobless, unmotivated, immature and oh yeah did I mention lazy? He has been with our daughter almost three years […]