Is Obama's Change an Empty Message?

Posted by: Fri, Mar 7, 2008
Posted in category Uncategorized

Change, Change, Change, we all need it, but someone is promoting it without a plan or so it seems. Yes, I am speaking of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. Oh wait I wasn’t being politically correct so let me rephrase myself Mr. Barack Obama is spouting about “Change”, “Change We Can Believe In.”

Please tell us, how you are going to change things in this country? I have been eagerly listening to all of the presidential candidates and I have not heard how Mr. Obama plans to “Change” our country. He talks a lot of great stuff, uniting the country, bringing us as one again….. Last time I checked the president needed the approval of the Congress and the House to invoke any “Change”. He has not shown many instances where he has gone against the grain and fought for something that he believed in. When looking for information on his bipartition efforts they were far and few between, “Thin” as many have called them.
Barack Obama
How can this one man be convincing so many ‘young” voters that he will be able to become Commander and Chief and “Change” America. Naivety! We Americans that have been around the block know that change is only as good as the people that want to change it. If you are looking for someone to work across party lines, John McCain or Hillary Clinton are much better qualified.

I admire Mr. Obama’s message and wish that it was that easy, but can we really just take his word for it, he is a politician?! Mr. Obama did work on an Illinois version of the earned-income tax credit, but he also acquired a certain reputation for skipping tough votes. For example there was a key gun-control vote that he missed in December 1999. Why? He was in Hawaii on vacation.
I feel that the main stream media has been far too lenient with Mr. Obama, while they continue to smear the other “two” candidates it is obvious that all they do is promote Obama’s “Change” with empty promises.

What are you going to “Change” and how are you going to invoke that “Change” Mr. Obama?

Answer a few real questions from real Americans, not those drones you have believing that you alone can change this country. Anyone that has taken a Government class and passed knows it can not be done alone.

Fox News Jim Angle on Obama bipartisan votes

We do not endorse any candidate for president at this time, we enjoy picking on all of them, because they are politicians.

2 Responses to “Is Obama's Change an Empty Message?”

  1. Barack Obama Chronicles » Archive » Is Obama’s Change an Empty Message? says:

    Mar. 7, 2008

    […] Boiled Over added an interesting post on Is Obamaâ […]

  2. says:

    Mar. 7, 2008

    Is Obama’s Change an Empty Message?

    Change, Change, Change, we all need it, but someone is promoting it without a plan or so it seems. Yes, I am speaking of Mr. Barack Hussein Obama. Oh wait I wasn’t being politically correct so let me rephrase myself Mr. Barack Obama is spouting about…