Lack of revolution. Good or Bad?

Posted by: Mon, Feb 25, 2008
Posted in category Uncategorized

Today is Feb. 25, 2008. People here in the Philippines are celebrating the 22nd anniversary of the first people power revolution. I, as a Filipino, am proud of this spectacular feat done to oust Marcos without the help of violence. And 15 years later, the 2nd revolution has exploded forcing Estrada to step down from his position as well. 15 years and several months later, a so-called 3rd revolution failed to make Arroyo resign.

“Everything is becoming a nightmare and we’re not even aware of it.”

What is the message being delivered here? Every time a new president is elected the people tend to oppose them. That’s democracy I get it, but do you call 911 every time you need to change the bulb in your lampshade? of course not. 22 years and a handful of coup attempt later, people are somewhat tired of sparking a revolution, even though the country is again, in the midst of a political scandal, the effort the mass is generating is still not enough to shake the administration. This maybe a good thing, but there might be a bigger cause for this. For decades, we have witnessed the corruption of every single politician. Like it’s already part of the system, It is already part of the system. It is already inevitable, and the people are coming to their senses, we are beginning to accept the wrongdoings as part of our culture. Everything is becoming a nightmare and we’re not even aware of it. Sure Gloria is doing a great job boosting our economy, but the policemen roaming the streets, are they doing what they’re supposed to do. I myself don’t have any conclusion to this problem, I don’t have any solution whatsoever on how we are gonna solve this dilemma. But this country has lost all its dignity and morality, and that’s where I think we should start.

4 Responses to “Lack of revolution. Good or Bad?”

  1. briand says:

    Feb. 25, 2008

    Chad and Stacey, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to post on your site.

    Brian D

  2. Chad & Stacey says:

    Feb. 25, 2008

    You are welcome to post any time you like. You have very valid points and you are right, once corruption is already part of the process it is hard to get away from. Thank you for bringing this problem in the Philippines to our attention, we honestly had no idea.

  3. AngryJed says:

    Feb. 25, 2008

    I feel that this complacency with corruption is what has happened to the American public. After 230 years of relative stability, we have become numb to Washington’s antics and too frozen with fear to upset the status quo.

    I hope the Phillipine people never loose their sense of justice or forget that the cost of freedom is eternal vigilance.

  4. K Owusu says:

    Feb. 26, 2008

    Revolution is always a hot topic. I totally understand both sides of too much revolution and too little. After living in the UK most of my life, where the political situation is similar to that of the US, I find that people have gotten used to the antics and quite frankly useless politics of the government. The too main parties, Labour and Conservative, dont share different enough views. Or it would be better to say, they are as rubbish as each other.

    Being born in Ghana however, and having family and close links there (I left when I was 2), I understand that too much political change can be damaging. All the coups and the government changes, some of which were violent, has had an effect.

    The problem is the new people that come into power always tend to adopt the rubbish policies of the people the overtook, or overthrew. Everyone is going on about change (especially Obama at the moment) but how can they ensure “Real” change, that people are happy with and want to stick with.

    I too hope for the best for the Philippines.

    Great entry by the way.