Too Young For This

Posted by: Wed, Feb 25, 2009
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If you are a regular follower of our blog, you will know that a post called The Deadbeat Boyfriend is our most popular. Another comment has been placed that tore at our heartstrings. I am placing it here on the front page in hopes that  supportive comments will help her get out of a terrible situation.

I’m seventeen years old. I am a survivor of both physical and emotional abuse. I’m an honor roll student, I was able to skip sophomore year of high school and here I am, graduating in merely a few months. I’m not so sure about college though. My dad keeps “forgetting” to get the money ready for the applications. They’re due in a week. Over two years ago, I met this guy in gym class. He made me laugh. He was only ever prepared enough for gym to not flunk. I really liked him. The only thing was that I would be switching schools soon. I told him that I would be leaving and going to a private school (it’s a school with on-sight therapists to help me overcome my PTSD) and he sounded sad. The day before my last day, he asked for my number and asked me out. The first few months were spent with him making up lies about his parents and himself. I wrote it off as him just trying to impress me and being a stupid guy. He told me that his dad would steal his car keys and hide them along with his phone for no reason. That his internet would constantly be unplugged on him. That his parents hated him. Once I met them, I knew this was far from the truth. I was stupid enough to ignore the lies.
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Time Will Never Heal Our Wound

Posted by: Fri, Jan 23, 2009
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It has been three years today since our son was killed. To us it seems like yesterday. When this first happened people try to comfort us with the saying “Time Heals all Wounds”, well if you have ever lost a child you know that it is not true. There isn’t a day that goes by in which we do not think of his smiling face or hear his laugh. That fateful horrible morning runs through our minds everyday at 6:48 am.

We now dedicate this day to Dustin’s memory. Through all the stress and the trials of life never lose touch with what is important, family. Your loved ones might not always be with you so take the time each and every day to tell them how much you love them.

We love and miss you Dustin. Be our gaurdian angel and skate that big half pipe in the sky….

In Memory of Dustin

Auto Industry Bailout or Bargain?

Posted by: Wed, Dec 3, 2008
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I still have mixed feelings about Congress doling out more money to the Big 3 Automakers, but considering what is on the line I would say it is needed. Speaking as a resident of Michigan who has more than one family member employed in some way by the auto industry, Congress must approve some form of help or we are all in trouble.

According to the Center for Automotive Research if the Big 3 go under the country will lose another 3 million jobs. Image the economic impact on our financial system if that happens. In a direct quote:

“Our model estimates that a complete shutdown of Detroit Three U.S. production would
have a major impact on the U.S. economy in terms of lost wages, reductions in social security receipts, personal income taxes paid, and an increase in transfer payments,” said Sean McAlinden, CAR chief economist and the study’s leader. “The government stands to lose on the level of $60 billion in the first year alone, and the three year total is well over $156 billion.”

After reading that it seems $25 million is just a drop in the hat.
Congress vs. The Big 3
The crisis that the auto industry faces is in part their own, but it also has to do with the economic recession that the country is facing. Standard math car sales are down over 40% – that’s a lot of revenue to lose. I do agree with many of the critics, the Big 3 MUST cut unneeded expenses. That does not mean employee wages, they have already been cut by 50% for new employees. That means sell the luxury jets and stop giving bonuses, especially to top execs who already make much more than the middle class American. Eliminate concept automobiles until the economy picks up and profits are there again.

The people of Michigan are glued to the news wondering if they will still have a job at the end of the year. GM alone will be out of money come the end of December and they have already extended the normal holiday shut down for many. With an unemployment rate of 9.3%, we are already struggling to survive in this state residents just can’t afford the collapse of the auto industry.

In favor of the Big 3 – they already have a new labor contract with the UAW that will come into effect in 2010, eliminating legacy benefits that are not needed. They also have new more fuel efficient or hybrid cars that will be hitting the market in 2010, in hopes to increase automobile sales.

In favor of Congress – The Big 3 MUST stop the ridiculous spending. They have to cut unnecessary expenses in order to stay on budget – just like the American families have had too.

Download the Report from The Center for Automotive Research

Another Deadbeat Boyfriend…and the Saga Continues

Posted by: Fri, Nov 14, 2008
category Uncategorized

An article I posted some time ago called “The Deadbeat Boyfriend” has had an overwhelming response of people that can relate or are in a similar situation. My heart goes out to all the people who have posted a comment here venting their  story. Below is a comment that was posted a few days ago. After reading this I felt that it deserved to be a post on the front page. Maybe someone, somewhere will know who this guy is and let him know he is a true piece of dirt….

Comment posted by Girlfriend of a Deadbeat:

I’ve spent the last week seeking solace in the stories of others who have been in my predicament. I think the next step in finding my cure is to share my own saga.

I met my boyfriend almost 2 years ago through a mutual friend. He was a kitchen manager/bartender at a neighborhood sports bar who talked about opening his own place. The night we met (much to my horror) was karaoke night and all the neighbors were sharing their talents. My friend knew he could sing and she sent him to the stage. 2 verses into Fly me to the Moon, I was hooked. Things moved quickly and before I knew what happened I was introducing him to my parents . Then all of a sudden it was Valentines. He loved to come over and make dinner for us so I thought it would be the perfect occasion to give him a key to my place and his own drawer in my dresser. Ignorance was bliss.

I knew a lot about him by then. He was divorced, had married too young but had a wonderful son to show for it. His son lived 2 hours north with his mother but he drove up to see him whenever he could. He wanted to make sure things were really right between us before I met his son which I was extremely happy to hear. I felt like we could talk about anything, share everything… it was wonderful.

A few weeks later I found myself in a familiar conversation with him. “Why don’t we ever stay at your place?” He told me that he had his own place and I assumed in the great tradition of men that he had no clue how to pick his underwear up or clean his bathtub. That would be enough to cure me of overnight guests. We had lunch one cold and nasty winter afternoon and we had planned to stop at his place after to pick up a few things. Finally, I was going to see the behind the scenes of my new found love. We pulled up to an older apartment building and he was very quiet. “I need to tell you something. I DO have a roommate.” It made me smile for a minute that he had been this embarrassed over something so minor. Then he said, “… and it’s my Mom.”
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Random Thoughts and a Beach in Austrailia

Posted by: Tue, Oct 21, 2008
category Uncategorized

BeachWow I have been gone for so long…..seems that way. Life is not any better around here. Yeah, gas prices let up, but groceries haven’t. The election is getting closer and I am surprised that the phone has not been ringing off the hook like in previous years. News is….the candidates have given up Michigan. I think we are a lost cause anyway…crime is terrible, no jobs, no money, and the cost of living will make you sick. Wish I was on a beach in Australia having a cold margarita with my hubby. We can dream can’t we?

The year has almost gone…Holidays are approaching fast and we won’t talk about that stress. Where did the time go, seems it was just spring a few months ago. Now, it’s plastic on the windows, weather stripping in the doors and pull out the heavy blankets. Word is our natural gas bill will rise about 20% this winter…sure we can afford that.

We found out that we are going to be grandparents, which should be good news since it is our first grandchild. Well, all I can say is I’m happy, but I wish the father was a responsible one. Our daughter is living at home with us and they have “broken” up and he is a piece of shit. As much as I was looking forward to having a life of my own, I now know we will be raising our grandbaby.

Things that are going on across our country, scare me. I read the news daily and it is all horrible…recession fears, killings and kidnappings.

My heart cries for the time when I was truly happy with life, with the world, just plain happy. It’s hard to put a smile on my face these days. I worry when my kids are two seconds late, I worry about the gas price because my husband commutes, I worry about going to the grocery store….It just keeps going.

I want my son back, I want my life back, I want…..

That beach in Australia …yeah the sunshine with no worries!