Time Will Never Heal Our Wound

Posted by: Fri, Jan 23, 2009
Posted in category Uncategorized

It has been three years today since our son was killed. To us it seems like yesterday. When this first happened people try to comfort us with the saying “Time Heals all Wounds”, well if you have ever lost a child you know that it is not true. There isn’t a day that goes by in which we do not think of his smiling face or hear his laugh. That fateful horrible morning runs through our minds everyday at 6:48 am.

We now dedicate this day to Dustin’s memory. Through all the stress and the trials of life never lose touch with what is important, family. Your loved ones might not always be with you so take the time each and every day to tell them how much you love them.

We love and miss you Dustin. Be our gaurdian angel and skate that big half pipe in the sky….

In Memory of Dustin

3 Responses to “Time Will Never Heal Our Wound”

  1. bbrian017 says:

    Feb. 6, 2009

    Let god be with your family during these hard times.

    I prey for you and your family to have the strength to move on but at the same time still remember. It’s such a tragedy when you hear about news such as this. When three years still feels like a day it’s very surreal how your hearts have been affected.

    You’re in my hearts and I wish nothing but the best for you in the future. The skies may be Grey but someday they will shine blue again.

    I remember when I first read about this in another article you wrote. Maybe a year ago or so and I must be honest I teared up and instantly built a relationship and bond with your family.

    You’re not alone as I too feel your pain and sadness.

  2. Chad & Stacey says:

    Feb. 6, 2009

    Thank you Brian! You always have such kind words to share. It is so hard for us on a daily basis, but we stick together as a strong family. We share many funny and happy memories as often as possible to ease the pain.

  3. Sarah says:

    May. 28, 2009

    This reminds me of Cyclops telling Wolverine that “not everyone heals as fast as you do”. I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I believe that God loves him more..